Invitation to Volunteer
NAMI Southwest Michigan, like any non-profit organization, relies on volunteers. The extent of our work corresponds to the number of volunteers available.
If you are able, please consider the below volunteer opportunities to help NAMI Southwest Michigan provide the mental health support, advocacy and education to our community. Whatever time you can commit will be appreciated.
Family-to-Family Education Program
Class Teacher
Class Resource Volunteer
Program “Informational Handouts” Distribution Volunteer
Ending the Silence Program
Program Presenter
Family Support Groups
Group Facilitator
Group Assistant Volunteer
Community Discussions Program
NAMI Community Discussion Meeting Coordinator
Discussion Meeting Assistant Volunteer
Community Outreach
Event Planning & Coordination
Event Promotion Volunteer
Event Assistant Volunteers
Event Informational Table “Brochure Handouts” Volunteer
NAMI Brochure Handling Volunteer
Crisis Support
Helpline Response Volunteer
“Requests for Mental Health Information” Response Volunteer
Consumer Support
Facebook Contributor
Newsletter “Mental Health Article” Contributor
NAMIWalk “Walking for Kalamazoo” Team Leader
NAMIWalk Promotion Volunteer
NAMIWalk Assistant Volunteers
NAMIWalk Participant Walker
NAMI Representative to Kalamazoo Community Mental Health Board Meeting
NAMI Representative to Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health Board Meeting
NAMI Representative to ROI Legislative Breakfast Meetings (Public Advocacy)
Mental Health Court Monitor
Community Housing Advocate
Michigan Legislative Monitor
Letter Writer
Informational Outreach
Family-to-Family Program Information to Bronson Behavioral Health Unit Visitors
WMU Campus NAMI Group
Support Volunteer
Membership Coordinator
Membership Database
Membership Retention
Fund Raising
Community Business Outreach
Grant Writing